

You are an individual and your fitness should match you. Your past, present and future are all very important factors when designing an individualized fitness plan. Whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned exercise enthusiast, Construct Personal Training can help you reach the next level.


Optimum training environment

The private studio in Northwest Tucson gives a completely client centered experience. The music, the lighting, even the temperature… factors that effect your motivation to work hard. These will be tailored to you. This is a safe space where you can feel free to ask questions, take your time learning proper technique and work as hard as you can.


Corrective Exercise

Most people are sporting some muscle imbalances and they can drastically reduce our ability to enjoy life and do the things we love. Corrective exercise addresses these imbalances to restore the body to the marvelous interconnected chain it is. This is a perfect follow up to physical therapy as well.


Why hire a trainer?

There are several reasons one might hire a personal trainer. Maybe you need a jolt of motivation or the knowledge to empower you. Maybe you simply need a fresh change to a stale routine. Is accountability the push you need? Whatever your reason, don’t let it hold you back from seeing the results you want. Come see if a certified trainer is the next step for you.